Name Last modified Size Description
README.html 2019-10-25 20:00 1.8K
SHA256SUMS.asc 2019-10-25 19:50 724
svn/ 2019-10-25 20:08 -
tor-r26984-svnadmin-dump.gz 2019-10-25 18:24 1.6G
tor-r26984-svnlook-tree.gz 2019-10-25 18:27 90K
This is a dump of the public Tor Subversion (SVN) repository at the time of its shutdown in October 2019. A full historical archive is also available on the Internet Archive and in the local dump.
No further change to the files in this repository are expected and are kept for historical reasons. Files that are still relevant and that need to be updated should be instead moved to another repository, like or
Note that some SVN repositories were not migrated into git. Archeologists looking for that source code may be able to load it from the local dump. The dump was generated with:
svnadmin dump -q /srv/ | gzip -c > tor-r26984-svnadmin-dump.gz... and can be loaded with:
gunzip -c tor-r26984-svnadmin-dump.gz | svnadmin loadThe compressed dump is 1.6GB and the repository is 1.4GB once loaded. A listing of all files in the repository at the last known revision (r26984) is available in tor-r26984-svnlook-tree.gz.
The dump file's integrity can be checked with the SHA256SUMS.asc file like so:
gpg --verify --output - < SHA256SUMS.asc | sha256sum -c -